Nov 22, 2015

How many is ENOUGH ?

I am not a yoga person. sitting for a long time and listening to different kinds of speech bore me to death. I don't believe in many common things others may do. I don't know if there is a thing such as Karma. I don't believe in God either. However, I am not an atheist. I just think there are many other important stuff in the world that we should think about. The existence of God is not one of them for me.  It doesn't make any difference in my life. 
I have principles though. and it's hard for me to deal with people who don't. 
I try not to hurt people and not to expect too much. I try to be responsible for whatever I am doing and I try to be kind with people and other creatures. 
I don't believe in spiritual journeys, but I believe in positive vibes. I try hard to keep my life on the positive side. 
That's why I am so picky with choosing friends. Negative people are dangerous. They can take your happiness away in a moment. People who are irresponsible with their life and expect others to carry the burden are not safe. They can hurt you badly and they will have a bad influence on your lifestyle. 
I hate making a speech, but those words are coming from the place my experience lies in. We all get hurt in our life. The important thing is to learn the lesson and stop making the same mistake over and over again. 

 Sometimes I look back and I count the things which went wrong in my life and I try to find the reason behind any of them. believe me or not the reason is always pointing to me. Why is it so hard to keep away from those who hurt you most ? Why do I repeatedly forget the history behind a relationship ? 




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