Dec 30, 2015

Listen to the city all crying out loud!

Tehran is still polluted and it sucks cause we really wanted to spend more days out. As a child I didn't use to go out a lot. Conservative and overprotective parents happened at the same time! So it's like I'm finally on my own and I just wanna make up for all those years of solitude and indoor life. I actually enjoy being out in the nature or even the city. These days, however, we were trapped in. Tehran is in pain and nobody cares. 
Our flat is cold today and we decided to save up energy this year more than the last one. We are working on wearing more clothes here .. 

I literally went bonkers when he came home with these cute ear-covers the other day. 
We were just talking about having christmas in our house whenever we had a kid.( My dad and Mama would die of happiness if they could read this sentence!!) He was saying how great it is to teach kids to live with magic and dream and how smart they get when they start working out their imagination.
Wish Tehran gets better tomorrow and we can finally get out and enjoy the winter view of the city.

Dec 12, 2015

I have a time capsule and I'm happy

Since we had three days off, we decided to have it on a trip to north. I used to go on a trip with a bunch of people. This was the second trip I went on with him all alone. And I should confess it was perfect. When you are married to your best friend and you also love him to death, spending time with him is the most exciting thing you can ask for. 
We had so much fun. And I think the key is that we let each other have the space we need. There were times I was reading and he was playing games on his beloved laptop and it made the time we had with each other even more interesting. 


I fell in love with Rasht. It is not only a beautiful city but also the most cheerful place I have ever seen. The colors make you crazy. I was all eyes and I coudn't get enough of it. We had a great experience at Shorekoli , a great local restaurant which had this motto to become universal one day. and I think it should. I literally cried having lunch there and the tears were real. I knew we are leaving this amazing city and it will be long since the next time I can have a bite of it. I strongly recommend the Kebab-Torsh and the Gamej-Kebab if you were going there. 

My partner's parents were happened to be near to Rasht for a trip too, so we had a day with them. It was lovely seeing them all happy and excited. My partner's father made this delicious fish for us which I can't still forget the taste of. 

There is a part on any trip that you want to capture the most and for me it was the moments we were walking in the bazar. I couldn't believe the beauty I was observing. There were times I was standing still staring at colors and I was feeling so happy I couldn't really breathe. I strongly suggest you to have a look at bazar if you are fond of nature and local culture. 

I tried to capture many frames of this trip to have them all. I think of having a time capsule from time to time and I think I have one by using the Instagram and this blog. I can't wait to get back there.. When is the next great holiday ?


Dec 5, 2015

Imagine you were as perfect as a robot..

Since you need to learn many things through life, you need to learn to regret too. You do things that flummox you, unimaginable things that make you pause and reconsider who you really are and what you are capable of. 
I am not a bad person. Too kind most of the times and always try to make the right decision. But it does not mean that I can't be the worst version of myself. Every single person can be the worst. People can be born with wings and end up being a murderer or something. That is the quality I should keep on mind. People are not perfect, still we tend to forget the fact that we have weaknesses. We strive for perfection in many ways that we forget the magical moments we could enjoy the most. 
There was this episode in Black Mirror series that was about making a robot kind of thing of your beloved after his death so you don't feel lonely or lost anymore. It was so interesting cause at first it was just like a great way to find peace. However, later the robot became so annoying that the woman kicked him out of the house. The most annoying part was that he was perfect now. It was like we can't be happy unless we experience ups and downs. Perfect human being is not a dream but a nightmare. 

The most important thing is to be aware where you are and what you are capable of doing...