Dec 5, 2015

Imagine you were as perfect as a robot..

Since you need to learn many things through life, you need to learn to regret too. You do things that flummox you, unimaginable things that make you pause and reconsider who you really are and what you are capable of. 
I am not a bad person. Too kind most of the times and always try to make the right decision. But it does not mean that I can't be the worst version of myself. Every single person can be the worst. People can be born with wings and end up being a murderer or something. That is the quality I should keep on mind. People are not perfect, still we tend to forget the fact that we have weaknesses. We strive for perfection in many ways that we forget the magical moments we could enjoy the most. 
There was this episode in Black Mirror series that was about making a robot kind of thing of your beloved after his death so you don't feel lonely or lost anymore. It was so interesting cause at first it was just like a great way to find peace. However, later the robot became so annoying that the woman kicked him out of the house. The most annoying part was that he was perfect now. It was like we can't be happy unless we experience ups and downs. Perfect human being is not a dream but a nightmare. 

The most important thing is to be aware where you are and what you are capable of doing... 


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