Jan 9, 2016

Hats off to the beautiful weather!

I'm soon going to be a week off and the semester has already been finishing. Moj and I are taking a short trip to Mashad to visit my parents. It's like four days and my mom has already nagged about its length and has already tried to make me feel guilty about it. I don't know what it is about,but parents tend to make their children feel guilty a lot here and it sometimes goes on my nerves. 
Well, I promised myself to be active on the learning road,so I guess I should try hard not to give that feeling to my children in the future. 

We had the best Friday this week having lunch at this great restaurant Haj Mohsen and havig juice coming up with our besties.

 The night ended in rainy weather and that's what was Tehran missing. It is actually raining right now as I'm typing. It's so beautiful that I wish I didn't have to go to work and could have all day for myself. 

P.s : I love my mom but I believe living in another city and being far from her has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. She may nags a lot but it actually worked for the best for both of us. She is less needy and tries to have fun and that makes me happy. 

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